Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope your Christmas was blessed with all the things that make it so special to you.

We had a wonderful time with all of our family at my brothers house. All the children had way too many gifts as usual but a good time was had. It was a rather cold day for this time of year but I enjoyed it very much.

Have been of work since before Christmas but no time to blogg with all the work that I want done before work commences again on the 7th January. We are going to my brothers house to wait for the
new year to arrive, maybe aswim in the pool as it is very hot

Till next time.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


I wonder if most of you are ready for Christmas or are you like me and no where near ready ? It would be good to know how most of you cope with this time of year. I always find it hard as not all of my family believe in living the way that I do and Christmas can be rather commercial. A lot of them think that I am a bit weird trying to make things out of old stuff and not rushing to the shopping centre and buying everyone the newest glitziest things that costs  a packet and doesn't mean much to the recipient once the excitement wears off.

They do not see how a person can make a difference just by reusing things that others do not want anyway. This is due to the fact that they only see one article being made from another unwanted thing.
What drives me is that I know how much energy is used to make the original item then the energy to transport it for sale. Once the item is used usually a few times it is discarded and if lucky ends up in an op shop (thrift store). The plan for today's blogg was not to lecture you but I get a little excited when I wright about things that really mean something to me.

Today I was going to just let you know that my mums cancer operation is scheduled for the 18 January and that all looks as good as it could be in this situation. The doctors are optimistic and surely that is all we can ask for. Now we can only pray and see what happens.
Till next time

Monday 17 December 2012


Still had the grandchildren today until midday. It was fun but also tire ring as they did not settle till quite late and we all got up early. We did manage to have fun though and even got to make mum and dad a surprise gift for Christmas. Can let you see as mum might see that would spoil it.

Finally got to upload some photos and a video with some help from my daughters. So here is a photo of my tree now it feels like Christmas.

Looks a little lonely without the presents but that will come.
This tree has no theme. But it tells the story of christmases past every ornament has memory behind it, weather it be the first ornament I brought when I moved into my own place or the ones that we brought when each of our children came along then the one when we brought our first house. It continues with decorations that my girls made most years at school. Now we are adding ones the the grand kids make this makes me feel so good when I look at my tree. At work they talk about what colour combinations they will have this year and all that comes to my mind is that all of my favourite ornaments would then be left in boxes and that just seems wrong to me.
Till next time

Friday 14 December 2012

Family and Christmas

Some times I struggle with what to write on this blogg. Do you also feel that sometime we give too much of our self with what we say here. To me this is almost like a diary so I let you in to what is going on in my life weather it is wright or wrong who knows.

Life is still very hectic with Christmas to get ready for and mums cancer to keep us on our toes mind you my sister has taken over from my daughter and has taken mum to all of her appointments lately. This makes me feel a little guilty but work has been so hectic that time of is just not an option.

 I have done very little upcyling or crafting for Christmas. Christmas for me has always been a time to make new decorations for the  tree and the house but this year there will only be a few. We have taken a look at the old ones and mostly they only need a good dusting and they will do for another year.

No pictures to add to the blogg as my camera and the new mac do not seem to like each other maybe I can work out what is wrong tomorrow when there will be more time to go over everything.

Tomorrow I will look after my youngest daughters children we have missed them as we have not seen them for a few weeks.

Sunday 2 December 2012


Today we had to get up early as we needed to help set up the craft and plant stalls at church. Last weekend our church had a mini fete and Michael and I were in charge of the plant stall, had a really nice day even thought it was really hot

Not too many people maybe due to the heat but we still raised nearly $6000.00  this is most impressive.
But the best thing about the day was that my lovely Jessica had a stall of her own where she sold craft that was made by her with kids in mind so most things were 50n cents or a dollar. It is  a pity that we only thought to take a photo right at the end of the day when she had started to pack up.

Not a great picture but get a load of the owl's she only had two left.
She raise $51.00 I am so proud of her for giving of her self for a good cause, two whole weekends were spent making the craft then the Sunday to sell. Then it was home to pack for her school camp tomorrow. I
still need to learn how to edit the photo's on the mac but will get here .

Till next time

Saturday 1 December 2012


Today was designated a day of rest for both Michael and Myself. As we have been so busy with both work and everything to do with the fate it was decided that no work would be done at home or outside today.

So we planed a day out visiting my auntie who would then take us to Cosco so that we can see what all the fuss is about. Before we got to my aunties we picked up the two rabbits that I ordered for her from a  lady that works with me. The rabbits are so meaty and healthy looking unlike the ones in butcher shops that always look like they were starving. We also picked up a couple of ducks for them from a place that slaughters them and supplies the shops, you can get them really fresh.

After arriving at my aunties and having coffee we decided that it was time to visit Cosco. I was not that impressed with it. The place is so cramed full of everything, although  did buy a few Christmas gifts so it wasn't a total waste of time.  There are some bargains but the problem is that you need to buy things in multiples so that you are spending money upfront and I am not sure that this would really save you money.  It was good to experience this but am not sure that I would do it again

Todays heat nearly killed me honestly couldn't bring my self to cook in this heat so we had takeaway.

Thats all for now.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Blogging Again

My last blogg was a long time ago and according to my daughter it might be karma biting me on the butt. According to her I may have offended some of you stay at home ladies by some of my comments on how lucky you are. If I offended any one I am truly sorry it was only envy as I have not had the guts to stop working and live life the way I would like.

My absence from blogging was not intentional but rather a series of mishaps. Firstly my computer crashed and after paying someone to fix it the darned thing did it again.
Now I am the owner of a brand new Mac and could not be happier.

I have missed two slow living updates and will try to make up for it soon.

At the moment I need to concentrate my energies on my mum as she has been diagnosed with cancer of the vulva, unbeliveable we didn't even know it existed.  So for now there is plenty to concentrate on so no promises as to when I will blogg again, just when there is time or a need.

By the way my camera is also playing up so no photos at the moment. Maybee santa will bring me one for Christmas.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Long Time No Blogg

I have been so busy with life that there has been no time to blogg, it's not that there is nothing going on far from it. Too much is going on.
August was busy with a few Birthdays including my dad's 80th which saw a big family gathering at mums and dads house.

September is even more hectic. It started with fathers day which we spent at the Rouse Hill Recreational park. The day was glorious and everyone had a wonderful day with a barbecue  and lots of ball games and bike riding.

On the 4 was my grandsons 5th birthday so we celebrated at their house. Dad and Dida (grandad) put up his new bunk bed which we brought for him. He sure loved it and he has worked out that if he moves out the desk part he has a ready made cubbyhouse. Haven't had time to get any photos sent from my daughters camera will add later.

Thursday we celebrated Jessica's 11th birthday with lots of family and a pizza night, this is Jessica's favourite food.
In between all of this there is still work and lots of things that keep me busy. I will try to make blogging more of a priority in the future.

Can you believe she's 11

Thursday 23 August 2012

One day of Summer

Today was such a surprise summer temperatures with August winds what a combo. Whilst the warmth was welcome the devastation the wind created was not. On the way home from work there were branches and trees down all over the place. Then the storm hit but it didn't last long.

After work I went to my daughters house to visit. Jessica is doing so well at this school it is so good to see and how Harper has grown she's so long now I didn't take any photo's though.

Really winter has not been good as far as up cycling is concerned I just don't seem to have the energy. The only thing that I have been able to keep up with has been the garden.
Now the weather is warming up maybe I will get my mojo back.

Till next time

Sunday 19 August 2012

A Day Off

Today we decided that we really needed a day off for a change. So we went to the South Maroota Muster and had a great afternoon. There were lots of stalls and plenty of rides and show bags for the kids. I brought a lovely hand knitted blanket from the the ladies raising money for the local hospital. My husband enjoyed the vintage cars and machinery displays and managed to find a real bargain, a mulcher for $90 dollars. It's hardly had any use and isn't at all scratched. We will test it next weekend. Our neighbour always takes part in the tractor pull  and everyone has a good time. The proceeds go towards the Maroota public school so its for a good cause.

On the way home I made Michael stop so that I could have a look at some of  the native plants that were growing in the bush.

After dinner I plan to bath our two dogs as it is still cold and they dry quickly while the fire is on. Then an early night so that I am refreshed for work tommorow.

Till next time

Saturday 18 August 2012

Finding Time to Blog

I have a confession to make. I thought bogging was going to be so easy after all how hard can it be? My answer is really hard. It's not so much that it is hard to blogg but that it is hard to find the time. I find life and work just get in the way. So I do envy all you lucky ladies that stay at home and manage to blogg every day.

Today was spent gardening at my elderly parents house. They are no longer able to do the gardening them self's and I really want them to enjoy their flower and vegetable garden for a while longer so my sister and I are going to take turns at doing this for them for a few more years so that life at home feels normal for a little longer.
I did the front garden which is full of old fashioned cottage garden plants and rose's. It is a challenge to work in someone else's garden as our ideas are different. But apart from being really sore as it was a little too much for one day, But it does look good and wont need any work for a few months now. Sorry so busy all day that I did not even consider taking any photo's.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Lazy Sunday at Home

Today has been a bit of a lazy day for me firstly I stayed in bed a lot longer than is usual but it was so windy and horrible outside. When we finally got up we had our breakfast, this is something my mother used to make for us.

Sauteed leek and scrambled eggs served with toasted Afghani bread

Some crafting and sewing but really didn't feel like doing much today.

Now we are being lazy by the fire. This is the life.

Saturday 11 August 2012

Slow Living July

This is only my second month participating in the slow living challenge so am still behind on most of the other participants.
Chicken noodle soup
July  has been a real challenge in this area as I have been rather sick so probably not as much achieved in this area as I would like. Still we have had numerous home made soups and loads of slow cooked meals. My family always feels that chicken noodle soup heals and I can vouch for its power this month.
As well as this I have found an old recipe for corn fritters but at our house they are always corn  bacon and zucchini fritter, simply made they make a good breakfast or snack. If I serve them for dinner then I fry some eggplant and serve on top along with salad we find it a good takeaway alternative. If you leave out the bacon you have a great meal for vegetarians. We are still eating our Mandarins but they are coming to an end.

Rabbit casserole whats left of it anyway.

This is another are I came up a little short on. The only things that were prepared and frozen for later was a Rabbit casserole cooked in the slow cooker.A batch of the fritters also made it into the freezer for later use.

This month I only did a little up cycling  and am crocheting a basket from plastic shopping bags so have reduced the pile of plastic bags,

In this department I think that we are doing much better haven't used the air con or the electric heater. Keeping the house warm by using wood and kindling that we collect during the year. Everything in our house is turned of at the power point as soon as it is not needed and we have noticed  that our electricity usage has crept down much to my husbands delight.
My shopping habits are definitely improving too. Any fruit and vegetables that we do not grow our selves is brought from a stall just down the road from us.

This is another one that we are doing well on we are eating lettuce silver beet rocket cabbage and broccoli.
Our experiment with growing early potato's is working well under the cover of shade cloth they are doing well and as soon as the frosts are over we can take the shade cloth off. This should give us potatoes at least two months earlier.There is also garlic and werrigal greens along with carrots, celeriac and beetroot and the sugar snap peas are almost ready for picking.

I have to admit that this one is always easy for me. Crocheted a few more flowers for hair clips and sowed
bibs and matching burp cloths for a friends baby shower. Along with this there was a chenille blanket backed with flannelet it was a piece left from the blanket that i made for my granddaughter.Also made a pillow and blanket set for two little girls birthday presents.Added a book and they were both happy with their little presents.

This one is more of a re discover as it involves the beautiful native plants that are flowering right now. The other day I left work a little earlier than usual and saw how beautiful the bush was looking so I pulled over and took some photos. I always think that we under value the beauty of our local natives. So next time you drive somewhere have a look around you and see what native plants are in their glory right now. It will gladden your hear.

This month I have been helping an elderly neighbour with his garden which was once magnificent but he has been unable to keep it up. So hoping that this will bring some of the glory back. I am also now officially working on our church fete,craft of course is what I will be running. Have been making a list of all the things that we can make using recycled materials so that we do not need to spend much money.

How could this not make you enjoy life.

My grandchildren have been giving me a huge amount of enjoyment at the moment. Also spent  a wonderful day at the Rouse hill boutique markets.
This is it for this month will endeavour to do better next month.

Till next time

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Home Sick

Didn't go to work today as I am not feeling so well actually came home early yesterday, I haven't done that in years. Spent most of the day just laying around with no energy for much at all.

Whenever I perked up tried to do some craft nothing too complicated. Crochet some flowers one for a hair clip the other one will be a flower on a cushion.

Also got the sowing machine out and made a doll blanket and pillow for a little girl.

This is the pillow.
Somehow I didn't take a picture of the blanket. This was made from an offcut of fleece material that was found at an op shop ( thrift store) i knew that it would be use full.

Till next time.

Monday 30 July 2012

Spring is not far away

I took these photo's as they really made my heart glad. I don't know if I have ever mentioned this but I hate the cold really hate the cold. So these really made me glad.


Does anything herald spring like these two?

Till next time.

Sunday 29 July 2012

More Gardening

This would not surprise any of you but we did more gardening, this time it was in the flower garden sort of.
Planted some new plants including a beautiful new Camellia.
We also pruned our lemon tree which is in this garden. It now has a nice shape, I  do not know the variety of the lemon as we inherited it when we brought our place but it is full of lemons as well as having new fruit and flowers all at the same time. We pretty much have lemons 11 months a year.

I think that this is enough for know, now it's time to have a rest so that I am ready for work tomorrow.
Till next time.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Catching up on gardening

Saturday was spent working hard on the veggie patch I lost a lot of production time last month due to rain on the weekends. So I am working furiously to catch up.
This is what the strawberry patch looked like before.

I cleaned up the strawberry patch then added mushroom compost and liquid fed them. Michael rotary hoed two of my beds for me.
This is what it looks like now

 In one we sowed spring onions and bock choy as well as winter lettuce.
Weeded the garlic bed and finished mulching some of the more tropical plants.

Last week I tidied up the berries and the Kiwi fruit and finally the garden is starting to look more like it should.

The strawberry patch is under the net on the right.
Under the green shade cloth our new batch of potatoes which need cover until the frost is over. There is still plenty of work to do but it is shaping up nicely. Still more mushroom compost to be spread around the garden. In the background you can see the mandarins that we are still eating now. Still lots of weeding to do but things are progressing and I am pleased.

Till next time.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Dad is in hospital

Not much time to blog at the moment apart from working extra hours my farther is in hospital with pneumonia and his diabetes is way  out of control. My mum does not drive so we all have to take turns at taking her to the hospital so have been coming home and going to bed pretty much as soon as I get home.

Till next time!

Sunday 22 July 2012

Sewing Sunday

Today I made a conscious decision not to do any work outside in the garden as I have been neglecting the housework. So today was a day that I ironed 3 baskets, tidied and cleaned the house. Not bad for someone who would rather garden than do house work.

Later in the day I hit the craft room and did a bit of a tidy up as the place had become so messy and overrun with started projects and items of clothing that needed repairs.
Why do my husbands jeans all have pockets on one side that come off?

Repaired four pairs of my husbands jeans all of them had pockets that needed to be sown back on I don;t get it. They also needed holes darned and hems repaired. But the good thing is that I don't need to buy new jeans now. Unless I find some on sale and buy them for next winter.

I also took up two pairs of new jeans for me to wear to work. Did a few more repairs to items that have been in the craft room for a while. This is so good that I promise to do more of the same next weekend.

While I tidied the craft room Jessica did some sowing of her own,

This is Jessica's first patch work quilt.
The quilt is a for Emily so that she can put her doll to bed. Last time Jessica was at her cousins house she noticed how much Emily enjoys playing with her doll.

I need to work on my photography skills as the photos are not great but you can see how much jJess enjoyed doing this.

Till next time!

Saturday 21 July 2012


Today Jessica and I decided to make something  using some of the recycled items that we always have stored in boxes. And finally we have put it into a tutorial.

For this project you will need.

3 Different sized tin cans or other containers
 piece of strong cardboard
marker and pencil
ruler and scissors
hot glue gun
piece of pretty paper
and enough Ric rack or ribbon to go around all 3 cans twice

1. Place cans on the cardboard in a way so they look functional and pleasing to the eye.
2. Trace around the cans.
3. Cut out the shape that you ended up with after tracing around your cans.

4.   This will be your caddie base.

5. Next cut your pretty paper to fit your tin cans.
6.Using a hot glue gun adhere the paper to the can, do this with each of the cans.

7. Now glue the Ric rack or ribbon around each of the cans.

8. When you have done this hot glue gun the cans to the cardboard base that you cut out earlier.  

9. When this is done glue some ribbon all around the base of the caddie to tidy up the edges.

That's all there is to it.
The best thing is the look on Jessica's face.

Till next time guys.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Joined Slow Living Essentials Project

It may be half way through the year for this project but for me this is month one. Officially anyway.
For the last 15 years we have changed our lives so that we can do as little damage to Mother Earth as possible. Ever since we had our own place I have grown my own vegetables and tried to make and cook as much of my own food from scratch as possible. 

Six years ago we moved to our five acres and got a little closer to being self sufficient. I grow 90 % of our vegetables and more fruit every year. In the orchard we have six different apples, two pears, four cherry's, two finger limes, five sugar plums, three mandarins, one peach, one apricot ,one quince, three figs, a cherry guava and a fejoa.

So her is my look back at my achievements for the last month.

Nourish: We aim to eat good fresh food and I think mostly we achieved this. We had a chicken vegetable soup the other night  after coming home from work with a headache it was good to just take out a container and let Michael defrost it. The other night we had a nice simple dish made from a small sugar loaf cabbage onion garlic and some bacon and pepper. Simple but delicious. Must bake more.

Prepare:  Made lots of stock that went into the freezer along with a few Slow cooked casseroles.
We also prepared a few beds for the next lot of vegetable planting. Made some strawberry guava jam.

Reduce: We have reduced the amount of cleaning products so that I only buy dish washing liquid and sunlight soap and washing power. Am working on my husband so that we can try our own washing powder.
Upcycled an old jumper into a pillow for our cat to sleep on.    

Green: We are not using our air conditioner at all this winter and are turning off everything we can at the power point.

Grow: At the moment in my garden there are Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brocolli, Peas , Potatoes, Leeks,Lettuce, Garlic and Werrigal greens which I use like spinach.

Create: Crochet a headband for Emily to keep her head warm and to cover the scar from her operation.
Am working on another one for her and some to sell at my stall that I have every few months at our local hall.

Enhance: Jess and I are building a new succulent garden at the back so that we can see it from the back deck. 

Discover: Not so much a discover as a rediscover. I am in the proces of throwing out a lot of my old magazines and decided to make a garden book that list month by month the little things I should be doing 
Like organic sprays.

Enjoy: I really enjoy knitting and crocheting next to my fire at night as it gets colder.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Getting Ready For Spring

Today I spent the best part of the day pruning and weeding the Raspberries  and Blackberries. Michael helped me to raise the bars that hold the net so that this season it should be easier to pick them and to keep the birds out.

I also planted a couple of rhubarb crowns this time in pots as the last ones rotted away. I think that where they were planted was just too wet for them.

Took some photos but for some reason I can't download them from my phone today.
Only managed to crochet a little today don't know if I will turn this into a ruffle on a top or a flower still to make up my mind hopefully will have a photo for you tomorrow.

 Till next time.

Monday 9 July 2012

Craft At Last

Finally some time for me. Do you like the head band that I made for Emily? It should cover both the scar and help keep her head warm. It was quite easy to make.

 Last night I finished a few of my crochet projects. A bunch of crochet flowers made from reclaimed wool, do you like them?

Emily's headband

let me know what you think and I can always post the instructions for it.

Crochet flowers

Nicole made this one by mistake while trying to make a rose.
 Till next time

Saturday 7 July 2012

A Day Spent Pruning My Fruit Trees

My dad came over today to help me to prune my fruit trees. Last year he criticised the way I did it so was told this year he can help me and I will follow directions. I do admit that he has a better eye for shaping them then I do.

Its been  long day and I am tired have been making Emily a nice head band that should help hide her scar and keep her head warm at the same time. Will post a photo tomorrow to show you what it turned out like.

That's all for today.

Friday 6 July 2012

Visits to the Hospital

Had to go to work today then to the hospital to see Harper again and to Pick up Jessica.
Today's visit was a little nicer as there were only a few of us so more time with Harper. Still tired so an early night for all of us.

Emily came home today so all is a lot better. She still needs time to recuperate but things should be good now.

Till next time

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Introducing Harper Vesper Lukic-Davis

My beautiful grandughter has arrived. It took a long time and mum had to work hard but finally she is her and both mum and baby are well.
Got home around 1 am and am tired now.

Jessica was excited to see her new sister, just look at her face!

                                         Do you think she loves her?

On another note Emily had her operation today and all seems well even though she doesent look flash.

                                               Poor Emily but this will make her better.

Thats it  for today.

Monday 2 July 2012

No Operation

No time for blogging but just an update. Emily didn't have her operation after all it has been postponed to wednesday as they had a few emergencys over the weekend so no beds for her.

Tommorow I will be at the hospital at 7 am as Natalie is getting induced so I will be a grandma to one more little girl.
Will keep you updated.

Sunday 1 July 2012

More family

Today we  had  our other Daughter and her family for a visit and a nice meal. I am feeling under the weather and did not take any photos. All the kids had a good time. We wanted to spend time with them as Emily  is going into hospital tomorrow afternoon for her follow up operation.

To help Nicole and Brook Koby will stay the night and hopefully have a good time with his cousin jess.
Will let you know how things go tomorrow.

Saturday 30 June 2012


No time for blogging as usual. Today I had Jessica staying with us as Natalie and Glen are still very sick.
Natalie was so uncofertable that I was sure there would be a call during the night and I would need to go to
hospital but nothing  as of yet,

With everything going on still no time for crafting or upcycling, It will happen one day soon and I may just surprise you.

Till next time

Thursday 28 June 2012

Bad Blogger

I really am a bad blogger. When I first started this blogg I thought that it would be no trouble to blogg every night. Well how wrong could I be! It seems that everything around me at the moment is conspiering against me and the blog that should be written every night. It's thursday already and no blogging since thursday.

I do have a good excuse you know, First work has been full on so have been tired and not feeling up to par.
Then my computers hard drive crashed, in over 18 years never have I had a problem like this for my compuer. Hopefully the computer place will be able to recover my data,
In the meantime the laptop will be here so hopefully there will be some regular blogging despite the setbacks.

Natalie is still not well but I do think that she is on the mend and on Monday we will know when the doctor will induce her.

Monday is also the day Emily goes bck to hospital to get the springs removed. I pray the all will go well.
This operation is not as bad as the last on as they only have to cut the skin and not toucch the skull.

No time to eaven think of upcycling at the moment. Maybe this weekend will go according to plan and I just might get some upcycling done.

Thanks guys

Sunday 24 June 2012

Day at Natalie and Glen's Place

Spent most of the day at Natalie and Glen's place. They are all really sick but Jess seems to be on the mend a little quicker then Mum and Dad.

We took Jess to the shops to have a hair cut and buy a gift for her soon to arrive sister. She chose a beautiful
Bunny that is so lovely and soft. Now we need to wash it so that she can put it in her sisters crib when she arrives.
Cooked  a nice Chicken and vegetable soup for them, made sure that there is enough for tomorrow as I can not go over. I think that it made them feel a little better. While there I did some ironing and spent time with Jessica as she is feeling a little neglected, but both Natalie and Glen are so sick that they spent most of the day in bed.

Quite tired now and ready for bed. Tomorrow is a work day.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Owen and Emilly are two today

Happy 2nd Birthday Emily and Owen.
Spent the afternoon at Nicole's place celebrating the twins birthday. Jess was so upset for being to sick to attend. With Emily's operation in just over a week away we just can not take a chance on her getting sick now.

Emily and Owen turn two.

How much does she Love Jessi

Woody was a winner.

They both enjoyed their birthday how cute to see them so enthralled with some of their gifts.The ice cream cake was a winner too. Love you Emily and Owen.

Till next time.

Friday 22 June 2012

Cold and Flu

Last time I blogged there was mention of not feeling well and going to bed early. This was the start of a week
of not feeling well and battling through. On Friday my daughter rang to say that Jess was home sick and the both felt really sick. Hubby went over to look after them as Natalie is expecting. On hearing this my mum and dad went over and cooked them Chicken noodle soup. Natalie has always felt that soup is a good start to curing most illnesses and so far it seems to work. When she first fell pregnant she had mumps and was very sick. She still swears that the soup was a big part of getting better.

Tonight after work we went to dinner to celebrate a friends 57th birthday.
Happy Birthday Jenny.

So much going on and no time to even think of sustainability or upcycling.
Till next time

Monday 18 June 2012

Taking It Easy

Tonight there simply is no energy left to do much. After dinner did some knitting and then checked my emails.

Emmily and Owen

Just want to relax tonight.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Sunday a Rest Day

I wish it could be a rest day. Jessica stayed over again so that if Nat and Glen have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night they will not have to worry about her.

Koby my grandson also stayed over, you couldn't make him go home not when he knew that Jess was staying. They sleep in the spare room on the double bed.

I crept in and took this !

After breakfast I needed to get ready with my sowing machine and the things that I made for the baby so that we could take them to Nats house today. Today I am resewing elastic on the ruffles for the bassinet. Once this is done they are ready for the new arrival.   While this was going on Jess and Koby did craft.
Jessica's lady bug

Koby's Earth

Koby's 3 eyed spider

Look how cleaver they are!

Till next time.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Making Things for the Baby

Today is a lousy day weather wise as it is raining unpleasant so no outside work is possible.
So this morning I am doing the ironing and cleaning the house. Jess is staying with me while Nat is still in hospital. Jess is doing the vacuuming  she has grown so much.
We finally start to do some sowing in my craft room. I finally finished the baby blanket I have been making for my new granddaughter.
Baby blanket and a knitted wash cloth.
Natalie rings about this time to say that the hospital is letting her go home as her blood pressure is going down and they would like to keep the baby in there just a little longer. Finally good news.

About this time Nicole rings to say that she would like to bring the kids for a visit. No problems we love to see the other grandchildren and Jess always loves to spend time with her cousins.

No more sewing need to make dinner for everyone.

Friday 15 June 2012

Is it Friday the 13th ?

No I know its not but really it could have been. Today was a disaster all round. First this morning I was the only one in our office normally three of us. All of a sudden our electricity went down then not long after the computers crashed. The only thing that still worked was the phone lines good you think. Right.  No because I can not answer anyone queries without the computer, to top this off 4 customers arrive in our work driveway all wanting  to pick up plants. Greatttttt.

Sounds pretty bad don't you think. Oh but it gets better I get a call from my expectant daughter that she is in the hospital can dad collect Jess. He would if he wasn't in Cooma doing a delivery. So my sister pick's up Jess and takes her to her place. I finish work at 3 pm race to the council meeting regarding our lovely neighbours that are not nice at all and have the whole community in an uproar.

Then I race to my sisters and pick up Jess and take her to see her mum. After seeing that Nat is Ok
we head to Red Rooster to Pick up Dinner. While we wait I call the other half to see when he will be home.

Just about the only thing that works out all day we arrive home at the same Time.

Talk about a great day.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Reading other bloggs

Tonight I feel a little lazy and only did a little knitting tonight. The rest of the time I will be reading my favourite bloggs as I have had little time for this lately. As I said last night the fact that it gets dark so early has really sapped may energy. All I can hope for is that soon the days will start to lengthen again and my need for daylight will revive my energy levels.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Knitting a Dish cloth

I haven't had time to blogg the last few day's as we have been preoccupied with personal stuff.

Anyway with the lousy weather couldn't do any thing outside. So I have started a new dish cloth using up bits of cotton thread that I have been given and some that I have unravelled. This cloth is not the prettiest but it will allow me to use up all the bits and pieces that would otherwise have been wasted.

Using odd sod bits of cotton to make a functional Dish cloth.

Sorry about the bland blogg but what with the weather and the short days I just don't seem to have the energy to do what I usually do. Do others feel like this at the moment?
I wonder.

Friday 8 June 2012

Upcycling Wool

Finished all of the baby knitting that has been my focus the last couple of nights. A pink and white set that was in the photos a few posts back. A blue and white set for my neighbours grandson that I hope to see this weekend along with this set there is a blue singlet with some embroidery. 

Some white mittens and a hat for someone at work that is expecting a baby any day. When I find out the baby's sex blue embroidery or a pink flower will finish this off. the thing that I should mention that all of the wool used for the knitting was either reclaimed or brought at the op shop quite a long time ago finally a chance to use it up.

This weekend there will be a yellow and pink baby blanket made with minky fabric this one is for my granddaughter. Also a yellow minky and flannelet blanket for a former co worker that is expecting a baby next month with this there will be a pair of mittens too. 

There really has been an explosion of babies around me recently. I think that this explains the lack of Upcycling and sustainability blogging . Don't worry this will come too. I am still getting used to telling everyone about the things that make up my life.
Time for bed I need to get into the garden early as there might be rain tomorrow.

Till next time

Thursday 7 June 2012

Sitting by the fire

Tonight I haven't done much as it is such a cold night tonight. Spending most of the time sitting by the fire and concentrating on my knitting. Finishing a blue and white hat for my neighbours new grandson. After this I want to knit my youngest grandson a jumper as I have not knitted him anything for this winter.

I think that it is bed time for me as I have to be up at 6am for work. Have been really busy at work no time to think.
Hope you are all rugged up against the cold.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Knitting for some new arrivals

Hi All
Not much to say tonight had a long day at work and the change in weather really knocked me around today.
So have a look at what I have been doing to relax.

Mittens for some new arrival's 

A hat and mitten with another on the go for my soon to arrive granddaughter.
This is the perfect thing on a cold wet night knitting by the fire.