Wednesday 19 December 2012


I wonder if most of you are ready for Christmas or are you like me and no where near ready ? It would be good to know how most of you cope with this time of year. I always find it hard as not all of my family believe in living the way that I do and Christmas can be rather commercial. A lot of them think that I am a bit weird trying to make things out of old stuff and not rushing to the shopping centre and buying everyone the newest glitziest things that costs  a packet and doesn't mean much to the recipient once the excitement wears off.

They do not see how a person can make a difference just by reusing things that others do not want anyway. This is due to the fact that they only see one article being made from another unwanted thing.
What drives me is that I know how much energy is used to make the original item then the energy to transport it for sale. Once the item is used usually a few times it is discarded and if lucky ends up in an op shop (thrift store). The plan for today's blogg was not to lecture you but I get a little excited when I wright about things that really mean something to me.

Today I was going to just let you know that my mums cancer operation is scheduled for the 18 January and that all looks as good as it could be in this situation. The doctors are optimistic and surely that is all we can ask for. Now we can only pray and see what happens.
Till next time

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