Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope your Christmas was blessed with all the things that make it so special to you.

We had a wonderful time with all of our family at my brothers house. All the children had way too many gifts as usual but a good time was had. It was a rather cold day for this time of year but I enjoyed it very much.

Have been of work since before Christmas but no time to blogg with all the work that I want done before work commences again on the 7th January. We are going to my brothers house to wait for the
new year to arrive, maybe aswim in the pool as it is very hot

Till next time.

Wednesday 19 December 2012


I wonder if most of you are ready for Christmas or are you like me and no where near ready ? It would be good to know how most of you cope with this time of year. I always find it hard as not all of my family believe in living the way that I do and Christmas can be rather commercial. A lot of them think that I am a bit weird trying to make things out of old stuff and not rushing to the shopping centre and buying everyone the newest glitziest things that costs  a packet and doesn't mean much to the recipient once the excitement wears off.

They do not see how a person can make a difference just by reusing things that others do not want anyway. This is due to the fact that they only see one article being made from another unwanted thing.
What drives me is that I know how much energy is used to make the original item then the energy to transport it for sale. Once the item is used usually a few times it is discarded and if lucky ends up in an op shop (thrift store). The plan for today's blogg was not to lecture you but I get a little excited when I wright about things that really mean something to me.

Today I was going to just let you know that my mums cancer operation is scheduled for the 18 January and that all looks as good as it could be in this situation. The doctors are optimistic and surely that is all we can ask for. Now we can only pray and see what happens.
Till next time

Monday 17 December 2012


Still had the grandchildren today until midday. It was fun but also tire ring as they did not settle till quite late and we all got up early. We did manage to have fun though and even got to make mum and dad a surprise gift for Christmas. Can let you see as mum might see that would spoil it.

Finally got to upload some photos and a video with some help from my daughters. So here is a photo of my tree now it feels like Christmas.

Looks a little lonely without the presents but that will come.
This tree has no theme. But it tells the story of christmases past every ornament has memory behind it, weather it be the first ornament I brought when I moved into my own place or the ones that we brought when each of our children came along then the one when we brought our first house. It continues with decorations that my girls made most years at school. Now we are adding ones the the grand kids make this makes me feel so good when I look at my tree. At work they talk about what colour combinations they will have this year and all that comes to my mind is that all of my favourite ornaments would then be left in boxes and that just seems wrong to me.
Till next time

Friday 14 December 2012

Family and Christmas

Some times I struggle with what to write on this blogg. Do you also feel that sometime we give too much of our self with what we say here. To me this is almost like a diary so I let you in to what is going on in my life weather it is wright or wrong who knows.

Life is still very hectic with Christmas to get ready for and mums cancer to keep us on our toes mind you my sister has taken over from my daughter and has taken mum to all of her appointments lately. This makes me feel a little guilty but work has been so hectic that time of is just not an option.

 I have done very little upcyling or crafting for Christmas. Christmas for me has always been a time to make new decorations for the  tree and the house but this year there will only be a few. We have taken a look at the old ones and mostly they only need a good dusting and they will do for another year.

No pictures to add to the blogg as my camera and the new mac do not seem to like each other maybe I can work out what is wrong tomorrow when there will be more time to go over everything.

Tomorrow I will look after my youngest daughters children we have missed them as we have not seen them for a few weeks.

Sunday 2 December 2012


Today we had to get up early as we needed to help set up the craft and plant stalls at church. Last weekend our church had a mini fete and Michael and I were in charge of the plant stall, had a really nice day even thought it was really hot

Not too many people maybe due to the heat but we still raised nearly $6000.00  this is most impressive.
But the best thing about the day was that my lovely Jessica had a stall of her own where she sold craft that was made by her with kids in mind so most things were 50n cents or a dollar. It is  a pity that we only thought to take a photo right at the end of the day when she had started to pack up.

Not a great picture but get a load of the owl's she only had two left.
She raise $51.00 I am so proud of her for giving of her self for a good cause, two whole weekends were spent making the craft then the Sunday to sell. Then it was home to pack for her school camp tomorrow. I
still need to learn how to edit the photo's on the mac but will get here .

Till next time

Saturday 1 December 2012


Today was designated a day of rest for both Michael and Myself. As we have been so busy with both work and everything to do with the fate it was decided that no work would be done at home or outside today.

So we planed a day out visiting my auntie who would then take us to Cosco so that we can see what all the fuss is about. Before we got to my aunties we picked up the two rabbits that I ordered for her from a  lady that works with me. The rabbits are so meaty and healthy looking unlike the ones in butcher shops that always look like they were starving. We also picked up a couple of ducks for them from a place that slaughters them and supplies the shops, you can get them really fresh.

After arriving at my aunties and having coffee we decided that it was time to visit Cosco. I was not that impressed with it. The place is so cramed full of everything, although  did buy a few Christmas gifts so it wasn't a total waste of time.  There are some bargains but the problem is that you need to buy things in multiples so that you are spending money upfront and I am not sure that this would really save you money.  It was good to experience this but am not sure that I would do it again

Todays heat nearly killed me honestly couldn't bring my self to cook in this heat so we had takeaway.

Thats all for now.