Sunday 19 August 2012

A Day Off

Today we decided that we really needed a day off for a change. So we went to the South Maroota Muster and had a great afternoon. There were lots of stalls and plenty of rides and show bags for the kids. I brought a lovely hand knitted blanket from the the ladies raising money for the local hospital. My husband enjoyed the vintage cars and machinery displays and managed to find a real bargain, a mulcher for $90 dollars. It's hardly had any use and isn't at all scratched. We will test it next weekend. Our neighbour always takes part in the tractor pull  and everyone has a good time. The proceeds go towards the Maroota public school so its for a good cause.

On the way home I made Michael stop so that I could have a look at some of  the native plants that were growing in the bush.

After dinner I plan to bath our two dogs as it is still cold and they dry quickly while the fire is on. Then an early night so that I am refreshed for work tommorow.

Till next time

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