Tuesday 4 August 2015


  I am constantly trying to get back to bogging with no luck my heart just doesn't seem to be in it. The turmoil of mum's passing has affected me more than I realised at the time. It seems that with everything that happened it was just too much for my body to take. I have been unwell and just cant get my mojo back, so a revelation by my doctor didn't really surprise me it seems that I had a nervous brake down ! Not bad during that time I somehow managed to get to work most days and still put in a good enough effort so that no one noticed except for the fact that I was constantly sick.

I am slowly recovering and trying to get back to my old self. This weekend was the first time that I did anything in my garden which is a wasteland at the moment. It will come back to it's former glory
in due time and I have plans so that each week will be better than the next.

I hope that everything will change for the better in time.
Not much more to say at the moment as it is way too late and I honestly don't know what possessed me to write this late at night it's just that I couldn't sleep so it seemed the perfect time.

To totally finish the worst time in my life my little Bonny has passed on.

RiP my beautifull Bonny our lives will never be the same without you.
Till next time.

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